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Analysis of safety performance and heating mode of electric heater

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Analysis of safety performance and heating mode of electric heater

Date:2017-09-13 Author:Yicheng network Click:

Electric heater is a device which is widely used in work and life, such as electric stove, electric iron, electric iron, electric heater, electric oven, etc., all belong to electric heating equipment.

The resistance wire of the electric heater is made of nickel and chromium alloy, and the temperature is above 800 degrees centigrade. Because the power of the electric heater is very large, the fire can happen at any time if the user ignores the safety. The cause of the electric heater fire is: first, put the electric heater on the combustible or put it near the combustible, and cause a fire in the long time baking at high temperature. The two is that the electric heater does not install the plug, directly inserts the wire head into the socket, so it is easy to cause a short circuit and a fire. Three, when the electric heater is leaving, the plug of the electric heater is not removed. The time is too long, which causes the electric heater to overheat and ignite the nearby combustibles and cause the fire. The four is the continuous use of the resistance wire after multiple repairs, which can cause the line overload and cause the fire.

Air duct heater

The electric heater is an international popular high-quality long-life electric heating equipment, is mainly used for heating of the requested heated material, converted to heat energy in the process of a new type of heating device, electric heater resistance wire is made of nickel chromium alloy, high temperature above 800 degrees. It mainly has three groups of stainless steel electric heating tube together, all of them in the device on the tube plate, such as the need to change the electric heating tube, protection should be before the end of the open cover, unscrew the nut and the right opposition, decided to participate in the second - although Chavez's party votes compared to two years ago reduced votes and parliamentary seats but still got in a. The opposition coalition won the ballot and the parliamentary seat. Finally, remove the soft wire on the electric heating tube so that the electric heating tube can be pulled out for rapid replacement.

Six ways at present on the market of electric heater heating mainly about resistance heating, infrared heating, heating medium, induction heating and electric arc heating and electron beam heating and so on, these different heating mode is the biggest lies in the conversion of electrical energy is not the same.

The use of electric heater

Air duct heater factory

The electric heater equipment should be carried out to check whether the product will have leakage phenomenon at the beginning before the shipment of grounding device, is safe and reliable. Thus, the operation of the equipment can be opened after all the work is unmistakable.

The insulation of electric heating tube of electric heater should be checked. The insulation resistance to the ground should be less than 1 ohms. If it is greater than 1 ohms, it is strictly prohibited to use it. We must make sure that it meets the standard requirements before it can continue to work.

After the wiring of the product is properly connected, the wiring end must be well sealed to prevent the oxidation.



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